"Don't say a word, just be happy you're alive,
You're a zero or a one, 'cause there is no 0.5."

We live in a world where the binary rules supreme,
But what if it wasn't quite as rigid as it seems?
The fact is that life simply does not have a code,
No zeros and ones, there's nothing set in stone.

Gender is a spectrum, perhaps a sliding scale,
Yet computers and doctors both scream 'you've got male'.
The binary rejects those who fail to conform,
You're a system error if you refuse to perform.

It doesn't have to be like that, there's honestly no need,
Everyone deserves to be themselves and live free.
So live your truth and be yourself, we only get one go,
And if you're feeling up to it, challenge the status quo.

Our lives are like snowflakes, no two are the same,
Even though it might feel like we're players in a game.
Statistically, I suppose it's true you're infinitesimal,
But in a world of whole numbers, there's power in a decimal.

This month's focus/feature brings us to a potential representative within a city council in Georgia. Liliana Bakhtiari's platform presents them as someone passionate about community service, social justice, and diversity. Their advocacy of these topics, however, stems mainly from their childhood and personal experience. Bakhtiari's father fled from Iran and has inspired them to stand up for what they believe in. Having grown up serving these ideals, they have become a huge proponent for volunteering and helping those in need. Now, you may be asking why this is so important. Liliana Bakhtiari could possibly be Georgia's very first elected queer and Muslim official, which is a huge milestone. This is their second time running for city council and, although they were unsuccessful with their first attempt, Bakhtiari mentions that things have only gotten worse since then and they hope to run in order to remedy some issues they've seen prevalent.

For some of us, mainly those who don't live in Georgia, or even the United States at all, this election will not affect our cities. However, the impact that this election may have will not only better the lives of those immediately affected, but it may also inspire others to take action. They are a proud individual hoping to bring change to their community through direct action. In addition, Bakhtiari's platform addresses some systemic issues within many states and countries, not just the United States. The homeless population is often overlooked, driving Bakhtiari to promote food drives, as well as the building of sustainable and cheap housing. This actually extends to twenty-six different countries, where they have volunteered at orphanages, helped refugees find a place to live, and promoted for the welfare of victims subject to human trafficking.

Bakhtiari also hopes that their election, whether or not they are successful, may help others take action. They hope others realize you do not have to be elected to office in order to make a change, especially given their extensive resume of volunteering and community service initiatives while having never been in office. Furthermore, they seek to promote the safety and protection of the LGBTQ+ community and BIPOC community, ensuring they have adequate representation and resources. They hope to inspire change within Georgia and around the world, starting one step at a time.